b°wide NodePack – for Blender

b°wide NodePack – NodeGroups for Blender Cycles and Compositor


Here is my hand picked selection of NodeGroups i’ve created over the past 2-3 years.  There’s everything, from simple little Tools, Materials, UberShaders to Compositing. Some are made quickly, on some i spent countless hours.

With this first release i’ve put together some information about every NodeGroup. Not too much, but mainly what the NodeGroup is supposed to do. I think it’s important to get a quick start on them, cause really, some of them might seem confusing (even for me 😉 by just looking at it.

I’ve taken quite some time to re-check everything, set usable and good defaults and to make them as easy as possible.

All of those NodeGroups are made by me, with the exception of the CondFresnel in the Metal-Kn.

I always try to not let them break energy conservation – so they should be safe to use in any circumstances.

My future plan is to pick some of them and explain in detail what they are doing. And this is where i need your support. Since this all takes a lot of work, and there are so many NodeGroups to choose from, i need you to tell me, about which NodeGroup/s you want to know more, please leave a comment bellow.

I honestly hope you enjoy them, learn from them, use them and show us the results here. If you have ideas for further NodeGroups or any questions, please let me know.

Lastly, it really takes a lot of time doing this, so if you find them useful please consider a donation.

Update: It now is Public Domain. Free to use for anything.

To the extent possible under law, Sebastian “bashi” Röthlisberger
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
b°wide NodePack. This work is published from: Switzerland.

DOWNLOAD (as 7z)

DOWNLOAD (as .blend)

as a bonus here my Startup.blend. Make this your default Blender startup if you like (ctrl+u).

For install and manage NodeGroups see my Post here.

Update 16.Okt 2013: Fixed the Defocus_Bokeh



Name: DSBA_Mixer(Auto)
Function: Diffuse, Specular, Bump and Alpha Mixer
Note: This Node has Automatic switch built in. If Specular or Bump Color has no Input it uses the Diffuse Color for them. Means you can use just one (Diffuse) Input Image and generate Specular and Bump from that.

Name: MultiShader
Function: Easy access to all Cycles Shader in one NodeGroup. Automatic weighting of output to 1.


Name: Car3Layer
Function: Shiny Car Shader with Sprinkles. With Lack Absortion and Color Shift.

Name: Glass Unified
Function: Unified Glass Shader, from Architecture to Acrylic Plastic
Note: Includes Fake Caustics (Enable Shadows in Properties – Render – Light Paths!), Dispersion, Absorbtion

Name: Plastic III
Function: Plastic Shader, usable for a wide range of Materials
Note: Includes Translucent and SSS

Name: Paper
Function: 2-Sided translucent Paper

Name: Chrome(brushed)

Name: Ceramic
Note: Interior & Exterior

Name: Carpet
Function: Carpet Shader for Hair/Strand
Note: Takes Images as Color (reduce Noise below 0!)

Name: WoodP
Function: High-Res Procuderal Wood Texture
Note: Use Global Mapping for scaling (inside NodeGroup)

Name: Wood(from Image)
Function: Material for 1 Wood image.

Name: Soap Bubble

Name: Galvanized Steel

Name: CarbonIV
Function: Carbon Shader with Coating.
Note: Check Texture Coordinate inside, default is Generated, you might change it to UV.

Name: FabricII
Function: Fabric Shader

Check! + Leaf II
Name: Leaf
Function: Leaf Shader


Name: HDRPortalLighting
Function: Portal Lightning Glass. Uses HDR/Image for Lighting.
Note: Background Image INSIDE! Works on Mesh & Lights!
Ex. Usage: Use this instead of Glass for Windows.


Name: SSS Presets BI
Function: ported values for SSS from BI presets

Shader Additions:

Name: Coat II
Function: Realistic Coating. From Shiny Glossy to Dull.
Note: Allows fine Control over Gloss and coupled Roughness.
Tip: Plug Image to Edge Gloss.

Name: Scratches
Function: Add Scratches to a Shader based on an Image.

Name: Dirt
Function: Add Dirt to a Shader based on an Image.

World Shader

Name: Background Control
Function: Node Group for Blender Cycles to control a HDR (or Image) Background. Allows to Control strength and color individually for Lights and Environment.
Note: Background Image INSIDE!

Name: B_Hemi
Function: Very close match to BI Hemisphere Lighting.

Image Loaders

Name: ImageBox
Function: Loads an Image, with Scale control, Box or UV
Note: Make Instance before Use! Load Image inside (ImageTexture, there are two, one for Vector Generated and one for UV)

Name: RandomImageBox
Function: Loads an Image, add Noise Offset (pseudo Random), with Scale control, Box or UV
Note: Make Instance before Use! Load Image inside ([h RImage], there are two, one for Vector Generated and one for UV).
Use the Mapping inside for more control over the Image!

Value/Color Editing

Name: ImageBlur
Function: Blur an Image by bluring the Vector through Noise.
Ex. Usage: Put before Image Vector Input.

Name: Metal-Kn
Function: Outputs Realistic Color for common Metals based on Fresnel calculation with k n.
Note: Thanks to the guy that made this NodeSetup, i found it on blenderartists.org (i think), so all thanks to him. I just looked up some values for Metals and put them into a usable NodeGroup. [CondFresnel] NodeGroup inside.
Ex. Usage: Plug output to Shader Glossy BSDF

Name: NanometerColor
Function: Output Color according to Wavelength (390-700) or 0-1 (set Nanometer to 390 for 0-1)

Name: FresnelRoughness
Function: Control Roughness by Fresnel
Ex. Usage:

Name: LightColor_Presets
Function: Output RGB Color for common Light sources.

Name: RGB255-Color
Function: Converts RGB Color with range 0-255 to Blender RGB 0-1.

Name: Selector
Function: Output 1 on given “Channel” if inputs match Value.
Note: Includes [Output 1 if input is equal Value] NodeGroup

Name: Output 1 if input is equal Value

Name: Selector0-1
Function: Color/Image Switcher with 12 Channels. Ideal to save Colors or fast switch Images.

Name: Random Selector
Function: Outputs “random” (predefined) Color/Image per Object
Note: Includes [RangeCut] NodeGroup

Name: RayLength
Function: Simulates absorbtion in Glass
Ex. Usage: Plug [RayLength] Color to Shader Glass BSDF Color.


Name: Range
Function: Map input Values to range (same as range in Vector Mapping)

Name: RangeCut
Function: Outputs 1 if Input within Min/Max


Image Edit

Name: PassCombine
Function: Combines Cycles Render Passes

Name: PassCombineDeNoiser
Function: Combines Cycles Render Passes & Denoise Channels based on Normals (Bilateral Blur)
Note: enable Render Normal!
Tip: Try FireFlyReducer_IV on Indirect Passes before PassCombineDeNoiser.

Name: UnsharpMask(fast)
Function: Sharpening an Image by Unsharp Mask (USM)

Name: UnsharpMask(NoiseAware)
Function: Sharpening an Image by Unsharp Mask (USM) with Noise reduction.

Name: SaturationYUV
Function: Worlds better than Blenders Saturation for Video Files!

Name: Firefly Reducer
Function: Reducing FireFlys – Cycles “Hot Pixels” with low Render passes.

Function: White Balance
Note: Set WB Color (Color Picker) to Mid-Bright Light. Mute (m) WBIII to take that Color Sample!
Input isSkin: set this to 1 to take WB Color from bright Skin. Helpful in cases where you need WB but have no Gray in Image but Person.
This ones still under construction! It can blow your RGB Values out the Sky!
Includes [Average Color] NodeGroup.

Name: WBII (Tanner)
Function: White Balance, Algorithm from http://www.tannerhelland.com

Name: ShadowCompositor
Function: Composit Shadows on White in Image.
Note: Use Curves Inside!

Name: ChannelMixer
Function: Convert Color Image to BW
Note: Node Groups ChannelMixer(Color) and ChannelMixer(Value) inside. Just two different Way of control Channel Mixer.

Name: ContrastByPower
Function: Influence Contrast by Power function.

Name: ShadowRecover
Function: Brighten up Shadows.

Name: ShiftCorrection
Function: Correct Image for Shift distortion.

Color Generators

Name: Kelvin (Tanner)
Function: Output Color for Kelvin Value
see: Kelvin Algorithm from http://www.tannerhelland.com


Name: Scale
Function: Crop & Scale & Transform Images. I use this one a lot for Previews, to make the Compositor much faster to work on.
Ex. Usage: As first Node right after Image Node for Preview.

Name: Split Mixer
Function: Split two Input Images to One for Comparison, X or Y, 50%

Name: ShowOverLimit
Function: Display/Warning for Colors out of Limit (RGB). (default 0.922 is 235 as for Broadcast)

Name: 601/709 Converter
Function: Convert REC 601 Color Space to REC 709 and vice versa

Name: Average Color
Function: Returns Average Color of Input Image (As best as Blender allows.. with Blur and some more)

Name: FrameON/OFF
Function: Outputs 1 if current frame is between Start/On and End frame.
Ex. Usage: Connect Off/On output to Mix Fac.

Name: Scale Image to Ref. Image
Function: Resize an Image to the size of another one.

Name: ColorSampler
Function: Sample the color of a specifed area in image.

Z Depth Related

Name: Defocus_Bokeh
Function: Defocus image based on Z Depth value using Blenders Bokeh Blur
Note: Set Focal Length to Blender Camera Focal Length (paste this to Defocus_Bokeh – Focal Length: “#bpy.context.scene.camera.data.lens” – without “” – to set a driver to Blender Camera Focal Length). Further Bokeh edit inside NodeGroup. You might lower the Bokeh Blur – Max Blur inside NodeGroup for high F/Stop to speed up calculations. Tip: Get Focus Distance from Color Picker on Z Depth (only to 1!).

Name: Z Adjust
Function: Adjust Focus Point in Compositor
Input Camera: Input here the 3D Camera Focus Distance
New Z: Set here the new Focus Distance
Ex. Usage: Render Layer Z – [Z Adjust] – Defocus
Note: You can use the Vector – Map Value (Offset) for similar Effect.

Name: Z Focus Finder
Function: Shows Z Distance, output either 0-Distance, or Distance +-Range

Name: Z Tilt
Function: Try to Simulate Tilt Effect for Depth of Field
Ex. Usage: Render Layer Z – [Z Tilt] – Defocus

Name: Z Ranger
Function: Output Z Range for Compositing
Ex. Usage: Render Layer Z – [Z Ranger] – Mix Fac

18 responses to “b°wide NodePack – for Blender

  1. Bashi… this could be the most useful thing I’ve used in a long time! Thank you for making this available… I’m looking forward to trying it out.

    My only recommendation, is to make images of your screenshots of the node setups higher rez, when I first saw this on Blender Nation it was hard to read all the stuff you had in there.

    But again, thanks for doing this and it will surely be useful to many people

  2. This is amazing. Many thanks for that. My dream would be to have a website to exchange and explain nodegroups. Would be nice. Many thanks again, this is a great think what you did there!

  3. I need help with using the PassCombineDenoiser. I am putting all the inputs in except for transmission, for I have no transparent materials. And, as suggested, I am rendering normals and putting Firefly noise reduction on my indirect renders. My final composite renders out as a glitched out image of black and white stripes with a grayscale silhouette of my model. Is it because I am connecting the AO, Environment, and Emission from the render layers into the PassCombineDeNoiser when I have no AO, environment, or emission? Or is it because I should have a few mix shaders before connecting RenderLayers to PassCombineDeNoiser? I am in Cycles, running Blender 2.69, on Windows 8.1. Please help anyone

    • If you don’t have a specific pass, just don’t connect it to pass combiner. Otherwise, can you upload your .blend (or a simplified version) to pasteall or mail it to me, so i can take a look at it?

    • blender has some issues with the blur nodes – the only way i found to fix this is to add a Mix node with activated Clamp before the blur nodes, in this case before you plug them into PassCombineDeNoiser.

  4. I have a blender 2.69 the latest version. I tried to load it but it doesn’t ! even I tried to open a startup.blend but it gives error ” file format is not supported in file……” Am i doing anything wrong?

    • Let me guess, you have a new mac and/or osx 10.9? This seems to be a issue with that, i will report it as a bug as soon as i know more. Have to figure out first what it causes, just got my new mac and the same “problem” as you.

      • Can anyone help with this so it works for a Mac user of blender? I got excited when I learned about your nodes, but they won’t open for me. I’ve tried a few back versions, going back to 2.68, on my Mac.

      • Somehow it happens that in certain Situations the File Extension .txt is added to this File. Just delete .txt or rename with .blend extension. Osx asks: Are you sure you want to change the extension from “.txt” to “.blend”? then click Use.blend

  5. Wow. Thanks a lot Bashi, this is very AWESOME and highly useful! Well worth the donation.

  6. Amazing set of nodes. I have just discovered them and I am willing to test them “asap” hehe. Thank you so much Bashi for sharing this great work.

    But, I have a question may be you can answer me: Is there any way in Blender to use a set of procedural textures nodes to drive the distribution, scale, etc of particles? I´m trying to have a set of nodes to create a procedural texture and at the same time to use them as a texture on the material, those to put particles in some places determined by the texture, but maybe it is not possible.

    Thanks a lot again

    • Hi Jose. It is partially possible. There are Textures Particles can use, but not Cycles compatible… You could Bake them and use Image Textures to drive Particles.. So, it is possible but not too straight forward..

  7. Downloaded these and use them on a regular basis.They work really well.Still don’t know how to use all of them,but sure like the ones I have tried.

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